It has been quite a tough week for me, not knowing how my future lies, guessing and hoping that I will survive this latest ecomony crunch!
But seriously I didnt see this coming at all! Just not too long ago, may be a month back or so, my company just sent out an assurance email to each and every staffs of Coffey around the world, saying that we are doing fine and encourage all the staffs to work harder and gain more work and NOT to get too worried about the economy crunch or retrenchment etc, and also announced that Coffey has the biggest revenue for the past 6 months since their establishment. And in one other email, the CEO of the company also announced that Coffey has just formed another new subsidiary company called Coffey Rail and win a big project in London, worth 900 million dollars or so...
And then out of a sudden we have this 'emergency' staff meeting invite sent out at 9.30pm the night before, informing that the company is not doing very good and 'unfortunately' the company has to make certain 'cognitive action' to bring the business forward. In a more ugly sentence, the company is doing not as good as before and someone need to be sacrificed/made redundant/fired. And this is the first time Coffey doing this since its establishment at 1960.
From my understanding, the Coffey branch here in Brisbane is actually doing very good compared to other branches in Australia, and we are actually dragging all other branches in Australia. And if so, I think it is very very very unfair to all our staffs in this office!
First of all, if the company is not doing 'so well', then why announce that the company is earning more than ever? Why sent out this assurance email? Why still hiring staffs in the past couple of months? For an instant, it seems that this 'economy crunch' perhaps is just an 'excuse' or 'good reason' for big companies to execute this redundancy exercise.
I was depressed, I was having this constant mental tortoring, I was very anxious for the last whole week. But who wasnt?
I'm lucky, I survived. But some didnt. And I really feel sad/bad for them although I havent been long in the company.
Perhaps thats life, a handful of people made some stupid decisions > economy crunch > a lot of people lose their job, lose their house, lose their life, lose a lot of money, got stuck in deep shit > many move on, fight on and see another day light > some never get out from the shit forever > some... the list goes on...
Hope this will never happen anytime soon in the future... at least not in the forth coming couple of months!
Ok. Finish grumbling. I'll move on.