Mistake is one thing that we can never avoid to make in our life. It doesn't matter how perfect you are, how impeccable you are, how complete you are, or who you are; we still make mistakes in our life. It could be something small like calling someone with a wrong name or a silly multi million business decision or wearing a bra in a wrong way :p It could be anything. But WE do make mistakes.
It is OK to make mistakes and most of the time mistakes can be rectified. Every mistake comes with a price and no matter are we willing or not, we still have to pay the price of it. And with the price paid we can always, ALWAYS, buy a lesson. Most importantly, we have to make sure we dont lose the lesson.
Regretting and feeling sorry for the mistakes you've made will only aggravate the problem and will only increase your remorseness. But what defines your personality is whether if you can pick up the positives from the mistakes you made and make sure you wont repeat the mistake you made and hurt yourself or other people again.
苦难和心灵的贫穷总是像一张纠缠的蜘蛛网猖獗的覆盖我们单薄的青春,从一个角落延伸到另一个角落 - 就象我们不断制造伤口在自己身上和别人身上。但只要轻易的挥一挥,再纠缠、再稠密蜘蛛网也无法抵制、任意的被摧毁。关键就在那一‘挥’!只要我们肯踏出第一步,再苦难的烦恼、再深邃的伤口,最终都回迎刃而解。
Let it go!
The sun will rise again tomorrow and I will be there, as always :)
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